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Gordon Training T.E.T. Research


The following research excerpts have been taken from the Gordon Training website:


Aspy, D., & Roebuck, F. (1983). Researching person-centered issues in education. In C.R. Rogers, Freedom to learn for the 80s. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.

A study of 600 teachers and 10,000 students showed that the students of teachers who were trained to offer high levels of empathy, congruence, and positive regard missed fewer days of school, had increased scores on self-concept measures, made greater gains on academic achievement measures, presented fewer disciplinary problems, committed fewer acts of vandalism to school property, increased their IQ test scores, made gains in creativity scores, and were more spontaneous and used higher levels of thinking.

The study also showed that these benefits were cumulative; the more years in succession the students had a high functioning teacher, the greater gains when compared with students of low functioning teachers.

Chanow-Gruen, K.J., & Doyle, R. (1983). The counselor's consultative role with teachers, using the T.E.T. model. Humanistic Education and Development, 22(1):16-24.

Concludes that T.E.T., a program specifically designed to enhance communication, human relationships, and conflict resolution, has much to offer.

Beck, M.A., & Roblee, K. (1982). Teacher Effectiveness Training: A technique for increasing student-teacher interaction. College Student Journal, 16(2):131-133. Tested a T.E.T. training program with 20 teachers to see if positive teacher-student interactions could be increased. Communication skills did increase over the training period.

Dennehy, M. N. (1981). An assessment of Teacher Effectiveness Training on improving the teacher-student relationship, maintaining classroom discipline, and increasing teacher and student capacity for problem solving. Dissertation Abstracts International Online, 42/02, 113. (Order No. AAD81-15864)

Data suggest that T.E.T.-trained teachers can be expected to increase significantly behaviors demonstrating a positive teacher-student relationship-namely, acceptance of feelings, use of encouragement, and a decrease in such activities as giving directions and the use of negative criticism.

Chanow, K.J. (1980). "Teacher Effectiveness Training": An assessment of the changes in self-reported attitudes and student-observed attitudes of junior high school teachers. Dissertation Abstracts International Online, 41/08, 95 (Order # AAD81-02538)

Results revealed that the teachers in the T.E.T.-trained group showed a significant gain in non-authoritarian attitudes and made significant changes in the direction toward more desirable student-teacher relationships.

Nummela, R. Avila, D. (1980). Self-concept and Teacher Effectiveness Training. College Student Journal, 14(3): 314-316.

Elementary students of teachers given Teacher Effectiveness Training showed a significant gain in positive self-concept over students who did not receive this instruction.

Aspy, D. (1977). Evaluation of Teacher Effectiveness Training in the Newport News, Virginia School District. National Consortium for Humanizing Education.

A study of T.E.T. found the following results: students taught by teachers with T.E.T. demonstrated significant gains in their math and verbal skills (they achieved a significantly higher mean on the Gates McGinitie Reading test than did students in similar classes with teachers who had no such training and achieved scores on the SRA Mathematics Achievement test that were significantly higher than those achieved by comparison students who were taught by teachers who did not receive T.E.T. training). In addition, the pupils of T.E.T. trained teachers were absent 30% fewer times than was predicted for the program based on the three previous years absentee rate.

Regarding teachers who received T.E.T. training, the training improved significantly their ability to: identify an interchangeable interpersonal response, and formulate an interchangeable response. Since these skills have been previously related to significant gain in student achievement, it is assumed that the trainees improved some of the skills which will facilitate student learning. And, based on anecdotal records, it appears that attitudes toward the school environment (climate) were affected by T.E.T.

The data suggests that T.E.T. programs are a positive factor in the areas investigated. The T.E.T. program resulted in changes in teachers' classroom behavior as well as improved performance for students. This suggests that this program translated into positive results which can be transferred from teachers to students. These findings support two hypotheses: 1) teachers' classroom behavior can be changed through systematic training and, 2) students' classroom performance can be enhanced when their teachers receive training in the T.E.T. skills.

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